Pharmactive, “Ne mutlu bir derde derman olana” anlayışı ile Aralık 2010’da kuruldu. Üretim tesisinin temelini Şubat 2011’de atan Pharmactive, 200 milyon doların üzerinde bir yatırımla, yıllık 330 milyon kutu üretim kapasiteli bir fabrikayı ülkemize kazandırdı. 108 bin metrekare alana kurulu Pharmactive üretim tesisi, 42.500 metrekare kapalı alana sahip 1. etabı ile, Türkiye’nin en büyük ve en modern üretim tesislerinden biridir. Tesis, 2. etap bittiğinde 80 bin metrekare kapalı alana çıkarak 550 milyon kutunun üzerinde üretim kapasitesiyle Avrupa’nın sayılı ilaç üretim tesislerinden biri olacaktır. Pharmactive, farklı terapötik alanlarda inovatif yaklaşımla geliştirdiği ilaçlarını, üstün kalite, hasta odaklı anlayış ve deneyimli ekibi ile, doktor, eczacı ve hastaların hizmetine sunmaktadır.
SA Health has been offering solutions to health problems for over 50 years. Our continuous research has assisted us in developing new systems, which reduce or remove the need for toxic chemicals, while providing an effective solution for pest problems. We pride ourselves in having developed unique products, which are 100% natural and biodegradable, and completely non-toxic to humans and other non-target species.
More than a decade ago, with the goal of Setting New Standards in Price and Performance, SonoScape specialized itself in ultrasound diagnostic systems and transducers. In 2004 SonoScape released the world’s first 15 inch LCD portable color Doppler Ultrasound System. Shortly afterwards SonoScape’s product received FDA approval and CE certification and started to be serviced all over the world.
India and Latvia (EU) based Exporter of Herbal and Ayurvedic Medicines and Products
United States
Dietary Supplements, Natural Pharmaceuticals manufactured according to the GMP guidelines to ensure the highest quality.
West-Coast is a manufacturer of finished Pharmaceutical Formulations, Nutraceuticals & Cosmetics Products & Herbal Products since 1965. West-Coast has a well sophisticated WHO GMP manufacturing plant. West-Coast is the largest product license holder in INDIA, with more than 5000+ product license already registered. West-Coast has more than 400 product’s CTD/ACTD dossiers ready. Plant & products approvals: ppb-Kenya, fda-Philippines, nafdac-Nigeria, pra-Zamra, moh-Sri Lanka, moh-Cambodia, moh-UAE, moh-Sudan, moh-Qatar, moh-Ivory Cost, moh-Sudan, etc.