Liberia: Uniboa to Build Highway Maternal Waiting House in Kayah

The Union of Bassa Organizations in the Americas (UNIBOA) is to construct a three-bedroom maternal waiting house in Geedeh Town, Kayah District in Central Rivercess to ease the high rate of maternity mortality in the county.

Citizens of Geedeh Town have made available two plots of land for the US$25,000 project geared to serving 42 towns in the district when completed, according to Arthur Garbla, a member of the Board of Directors of UNIBOA.

Making the disclosure to the Liberia News Agency in Geedeh Town Sunday, Garbla said the project is in response to a communication the union received from citizens of the district informing it of the high rate of maternity mortality in the area.

He said plans are also underway to revamp the Kayah Community Clinic which caters to the 42 towns by providing medical drugs and other accessories for the upkeep of the clinic.

Garbla said “the construction will commence soon to cater to pregnant women when they reach eight months at which time patients will be treated and fed until delivery.”

UNIBOA consists of 13 chapters in the United States with over 100,000 members and Michael George has been named as Coordinator for Liberia and the group is presently operating in Margibi, Montserrado, Rivercess and Grand Bassa counties.

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