The “,” a US$5 million project by the U.S. Agency for International Development in collaboration with the Global Fund to fight Tuberculosis, AIDS, and Malaria has been launched in Lagos, Nigeria
The new medical warehouse is expected to provide ample space for safe, quality medications for Nigerians in need, as well as reduce the cost and time of transporting life-saving medications and equipment to all parts of Nigeria.
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Category Archives: news
Bringing technology to communities
The chief of the Shixini Great Place in Willowvale young people in Port Elizabeth’s Northern areas and school nurses in the rural Transkei all have one thing in common. They all benefit from the work done by Prof Darelle van Greunen and the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University’s Centre for Community Technologies (CCT). CCT aims to respond to the needs of the Eastern Cape and ultimately those of the larger South Africa.
Tech in healthcare
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How changes in African traditional medicine research can benefit South Africa
The South African government’s economic investment in indigenous knowledge has seen the exponential growth of research about medicinal plants and traditional medicines in South Africa.
In 2014 alone, 140 scientific papers were published about these subjects. Pharmacology, pharmacy and integrative and complimentary medicines were the dominant research focus areas. By contrast, in the 20 years before South Africa became a democracy, fewer than five scientific papers were published on the subject annually.
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Second annual Dental Africa Exhibition and Conference in Lagos
The second annual Dental Africa Exhibition and Conference, organised by Informa Life Sciences Exhibitions, will be held at the Eko Hotel & Suites in Lagos, Nigeria on 7-9 October 2015. The event will provide a platform for companies to interact with professionals from the West African dental industry. It will provide a combination of business networking and trade opportunities along with hands on workshops and conference, where experts will provide attendees with latest dental technologies and updates in the industry.Continue reading
Tanzania: Dar, Donors Sign 531bn/ – HBF Pact
Tanzania has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with six Development Partners (DPs) on Health Basket Fund (HBF 2015-2025) worth 531bn/- with focus to improve and increase performance of the health sector in the country.
The DPs are Canada, Denmark, Ireland, Switzerland, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA).
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Gambia: On Drug Safety Monitoring Systems in SMC Implementation Areas
Ensuring safety of drugs is a paramount principle of public health and a moral requirement for all organizations and individuals involved in public health interventions.
Establishing robust monitoring systems to quickly identify and manage adverse events and to demonstrate the safety of SP+AQ is crucial for the long term involvement of all actors involved in the implementation of ACCESS-SMC: communities, governments, donors, and manufacturers.
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New centre launched to aid medical data sharing
[KAMPALA] A medical informatics centre has been commissioned in Uganda to enable the country’s scientists share big data with the rest of the world.
The state-of-the-art Ugandan Medical Informatics Centre (UMIC) will collect, store and analyse data to advance genomic research.
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South Africa: New Medical Vehicles to Boost NW Health
Pretoria — Fifty medical vehicles have been distributed to health service points in four districts of the North West to boost health care service delivery.
The North West Department of Health on Tuesday said this is in response to the increasing demand for emergency medical vehicles in the province.
Department MEC Dr Magome Masike recently officiated the distribution at the North West Emergency Medical Rescue Service (EMRS) College, in Orkney.
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Liberia: Uniboa to Build Highway Maternal Waiting House in Kayah
The Union of Bassa Organizations in the Americas (UNIBOA) is to construct a three-bedroom maternal waiting house in Geedeh Town, Kayah District in Central Rivercess to ease the high rate of maternity mortality in the county.
Citizens of Geedeh Town have made available two plots of land for the US$25,000 project geared to serving 42 towns in the district when completed, according to Arthur Garbla, a member of the Board of Directors of UNIBOA.
Making the disclosure to the Liberia News Agency in Geedeh Town Sunday, Garbla said the project is in response to a communication the union received from citizens of the district informing it of the high rate of maternity mortality in the area.
He said plans are also underway to revamp the Kayah Community Clinic which caters to the 42 towns by providing medical drugs and other accessories for the upkeep of the clinic.
Garbla said “the construction will commence soon to cater to pregnant women when they reach eight months at which time patients will be treated and fed until delivery.”
UNIBOA consists of 13 chapters in the United States with over 100,000 members and Michael George has been named as Coordinator for Liberia and the group is presently operating in Margibi, Montserrado, Rivercess and Grand Bassa counties.
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Kenya: Telemedicine initiative to boost healthcare services
More and more, the public sector, while seeking to optimize access and quality, is looking towards the private sector for innovation and efficiency this has therefore seen the Government through the Ministry of Health partner with key players in the private sector to adopt innovations surrounding, e-health.
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